I am going to share a few pictures from the funeral and meal afterwards. It has been 2 weeks now since the funeral. A pang hits my heart every time I look at pictures from the time or think about Grandma. Many of us didn’t get to say goodbye. That is one of the hardest parts. I was given her shoes and it reminds me every time I wear them of her. Certainly staying in her house was hard because she wasn’t there anymore. But I am thankful for the reminders. To remember her outlook on life, the laughs, the times I stayed with them. I love thinking of those memories. She is with Jesus and is so happy. She was a Mom to all.
Watching the slideshow of pictures of her life. I hope to share those pictures with you eventually. Keep a lookout for them.
Uncle Steve’s children (Grandma’s grandchildren), played a beautiful rendition of God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
Grandpa sat holding her hand the whole time. That was so sweet. They had just celebrated their 68th anniversary. It’s hard to let go when you have lived together that long.
The siblings sang a song and then another one with their spouses.
Grandma was dearly loved. She was so loving and kind and patient. There will be more posts to come of my memories and lots of pictures.
All the grandchildren and one great grandchild were there to honor Grandma. We took a picture with the flowers that we gave in remembrance and honor of our dear Grandma.