Hymn Reflection– If You But Trust in God to Guide You
If you but trust in God to guide youand place your confidence in Him,you’ll find Him always there beside youto give you hope and strength within;for those who trust God’s changeless lovebuild on the rock that will not move. Only be ...

Hymn Reflection–Each Step I Take
Each step I take my Saviour goes before me,And with His loving hand He leads the way,And with each breath I whisper “I adore Thee;”Oh, what joy to walk with Him each day. Ref:Each step I take I know that He ...

Hymn Reflection–All that Thrills My Soul is Jesus
Who can cheer the heart like JesusBy His presence all divineTrue and tender, pure and preciousO, how blest to call Him mine ChorusAll that thrills my soul is JesusHe is more than life to meAnd the fairest of ten thousandIn my ...

Hymn Reflection– In Your Silence
Have you a heart that’s wearyTending a load of care?Are you a soul that’s seekingRest from the burden you bear? Chorus:Do you know (do you know) my Jesus?Do you know (do you know) my friend?Have you heard (have you heard) He ...

Hymn Reflection– He Will Carry You
There is no problem too big God cannot solve itThere is no mountain too tall He cannot move itAnd there is no storm too dark God cannot calm itThere is no sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it And if He ...

Hymn Reflection–Lord, I Need You
Lord, I need You when the sea of life is calm.O Lord, I need You when the wind is blowing strong.Whether trials come or cease, keep me always on my knees.Lord, I need You. Lord I need You. Sometimes when life ...

Mother’s Day
I really don’t know how to start this post. But I will say my mom and I have quite a close bond so once I can get some thoughts together it won’t be hard. Mommy’s life has not been easy ...

Hymn Reflection — Fear Not I Am With You
Fear not, I am with you, O be not dismayed;For I am Your God, I will still give you aid.I’ll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand.Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. When through the deep waters I call ...

Freedom in Christ Reflections
My Prayer Today’s sermon really touched my heart. It was about finding freedom in Christ. Finding freedom and peace from the wars that we battle in our journey. I realized that I’ve not been fighting my battle and did not have ...

Hymn Reflection #24 – Drinking At the Springs of Living Water
Photos taken by James Staddon. To learn more about him and his photography please visit www.lenspiration.com. I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame,And nothing satisfying there I found;But to the blessed cross of Christ on day I came,Where ...

Audio books 2021
I hope this list can inspire you to read this year. I use the app Scribd to listen to all of these. I have been so blessed to be able to listen so much. Mostly at night when I can’t ...

Health Update
Photo credit: James Staddon (lenspiration.com) Hello everyone! I wanted to give you all an update on my health, since it’s been awhile. Physically, not a lot has changed recently. I’m still in a lot of pain. It’s been increasing lately. We’ve ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 40
Continue to pray for abortion to end! Pray for Love Life’s mission that strives to help in this area. Love Life exists to unite and mobilize the Church to create a culture of Love and Life that will result in an ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 39
Pray for the people of Venezuela. God is pouring out His spirit and there is great revival not only among the common people, but also the guerilla gangs and government officials. Pray that the people who have chosen to follow ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 38
Pray for the poor and hungry. Pray that not only their physical hunger would be met, but their spiritual hunger. CAM says: The covid pandemic has affected millions of people around the globe, especially the poor. It has shattered their lives, causing ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 37
Pray for those involved in CAM’s SALT ministry. (Shared Accountability, Lending, and Teaching.) “By reaching out to people in material poverty through microloans, savings groups, agricultural programs, vocational schools, and Christ-centered teaching, our goal is to walk alongside clients, helping them ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 36
Pray for revival in America. Pray that people’s hearts would be softened and that they would hunger for God. Pray that we would humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, and seek God.2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 35
Pray for refugees who have fled their homes because of war. They are very open to the gospel during hard times like these. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them and send godly leaders alongside them to mentor and ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 34
Matthew 6:9-13:Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 33
Pray for Samaritan’s Purse ministry of Operation Heal Our Patriots. “When a spouse in the military is deployed overseas, everything changes. Add being wounded while in action to the picture and the marriage suddenly faces changes neither partner could have ever ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 32
Pray for SOM’s ministry in Mexico. A long-term dream of radio outreach in remote villages has been fulfilled. They have been able to produce Christian radio programs in various relevant tribal languages and have installed two radio stations. Pray for ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 31
Pray for the individuals involved in Prayer Walks. Pray for those they encounter along the way and that God would give guidance in the conversations held. In 2019 we saw: 544+ Families Saved From Abortion 294 Churches Mobilized 24,290 People attend Prayer Walks in ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 30
Pray for SOM’s ministry in South America. They are grateful for the overwhelming response of Venezuelans joyfully receiving Bibles and Christian literature. Local churches are just now receiving their first personal Bibles. Pray for the 2021 vision to provide 2 ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 29
Pray for the Christians in Nigeria. Many Christians in northern Nigeria have lost family members and homes in violent attacks by Boko Haram or Islamaic Fulani militants. Entire congregations have been displaced, and many pastors have been forced to leave ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 28
Pray that God would raise up pastors and godly leaders to shepherd His people. There are so many churches and ministries without pastors and godly leaders. Jeremiah 3:15: “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 27
Pray for SOM’s ministry in Senegal. SOM started their first two Lighthouse sewing/discipleship schools and graduated 25 women. They had 210 students graduate from church planting schools. Pray for each of these women that are now able to provide for ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 26
Pray for the people in the Middle East and CAM staff as they reach out to them. With a top Iranian military leader recently killed, many people in the Middle East live in fear, wondering what might happen next. The ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 25
The village of Gachuurt in Mongolia Pray for the children selected for the Children’s Heart Project. Pray that God would guide the surgeons’ hands and that the surgeries would be successful. Pray that the children and their families would come ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 24
Pray for those ministering to the Native American people. Pray that God would raise up godly leaders to shepherd His people. There is great darkness on the reservations — pray that the people would turn to God rather than liquor ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 23
Pray for the people of Bangladesh as SOM (Spirit of Martyrdom) ministers to them. During 2020, two remote church planting schools graduated 57 Bangladeshi who are now in the field preaching the gospel! Pray for these graduates as they spread ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 22
Pray for Spirit of Martyrdom’s ministry. Through the global pandemic, their ministry has expanded, proving that only that which is built upon the Rock will weather the storm. A deepening of greater spiritual hunger has detonated like never before.Pray for ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 21
Pray for endeavors around the world translating the Bible into sign language for the deaf, particularly for the endeavor in El Salvador. Pray for the health and safety of the translation teams as they press forward with this important task. ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 20
Pray for Mercy Ships Food for Life Program. “While the main focus of the Mercy Ships mission is to provide safe, surgical care, understanding proper nutrition, and how to maintain it, is absolutely key to maintaining a healthy community. The Mercy ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 19
“Across the Congo of Africa, 20 years of civil war have left scars. People have been forced from their homes and watched siblings, children, and parents killed in front of them.” “Since the war, people don’t have a ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 18
Pray for Mercy Ships Surgical Procedures Ministry. “Hernias and goiters often plague adults and children in many developing countries in Africa. Children with these conditions miss school. Adults become unable to work. The cycle of poverty is perpetuated. Often, a simple surgery can relieve ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 17
Vacation Bible School in Mexico in 2019 Pray for Samaritan’s Purse ministry of sharing God’s Word to all but particularly to the children. Pray there would be willing workers to go and that God would give them the words to say. ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 16
Pray for “the black hole of Africa,” the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo where Mapedi is located. There is great spiritual darkness there. Pray that God would reveal Himself to these people. Many pastors in the Mapedi, Africa ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 15
Pray for Samaritan’s Purse’s Discipleship, Education, and Training ministry. Pray that God would use it to draw many to Himself and that the students would be diligent in learning.Pray for the teachers and trainers to have wisdom and patience. Pray ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 14
Pray for the current administration. Pray that any plans of evil would be confused and thwarted. Pray that they would be convicted of their sin and give their lives to God.Pray for members of Congress to stand for life, godly ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 13
Pray for persecuted Christians all around the world! Pray that God would give them boldness and strength to endure! Pray for the Christians’ persecutors! Pray that they would see, through the testimonies of those that they are persecuting, that ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 12
Pray for our firefighters. Pray for their safety as they accomplish dangerous tasks to save others’ lives. Pray that in the dangerous situations they come up against, they would think about their souls and be ready to meet their Maker. Post ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 11
Pray for our police. Pray for God’s protection on them while they do what’s becoming an increasingly more difficult and thankless job. Pray for their souls and that they would uphold Constitutional laws and not abuse their power. Pray for ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 10
Pray for Christian Aid Ministries’ (CAM) comforter distribution ministry. Comforters are a great blessing to poor families during the harsh winters in Eastern Europe. “With the cost of firewood sky-rocketing in Romania, alternative heating options like the comforters are going ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 9
Pray for each child that receives boxes from Operation Christmas Child. Pray it would point them to Christ and that their physical and spiritual needs would be met. Pray that funds would come in for my ambition to send out more ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 8
Pray for the ladies that received the layette bundles we made and sent to the ministry in St. Louis. Pray that they will read the New Testaments in the bundles and that the layette bundles will point to Christ who ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 7
Pray for Samaritan’s Purse U.S. Disaster Relief program. Pray especially for all the people in TX that are currently affected by the freezing temperatures and power outages. Samaritan’s Purse says: “North American Ministries responds quickly when natural disasters strike, deploying an ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 6
From Christian Aid Ministries billboard ministry: Billboard Location: Connecticut ~ Message: UnknownKenny* said he was raised Jehovah’s Witness but eventually left that. “I am searching for the truth about God,” he said. Our team member shared the Gospel message after which Kenny asked ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 5
Pray that those that who hear God’s Word from the pulpit would have open hearts and that God would grant them understanding of His Word.Pray for laymen to have listening hearts and to do their part to share the gospel. ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 4
Pray for pastors around the world. Pray that they would boldly proclaim God’s Word. Pray that they would have clarity of speech. Pray that their hearts would be filled with a love for God’s Word. Pray that they would have ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 3
Pray for the pro-life sidewalk counselors who talk with the ladies before they go into the clinic. Pray that they would have clarity of speech and love for the ladies and their babies. Pray for their protection. Pray for the families ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge — Day 2
Pray for Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned and former clinic director at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Pray that God would give her clarity of speech as she travels sharing the truth of what goes on in abortion clinics. Pray that ...

Prayer Challenge for 40 Days
I’m inviting you all to join me in a 40 Day prayer challenge. Each day, for the next 40 days, I’ll be doing short posts to inspire and remind you to pray for specific prayer needs. Day #1 Pray for abortion ...

The Right Love Life (Sermon Review)
This is the sermon review for the sermon The Right Love Life by David Gibbs Jr. This sermon wasvery convicting to me. It was about 1 Corinthians 13. First comes faith, then hope, then charity. Thesethree, but the greatest of ...

Audio Books 2020
I surpassed my goal of 100 books for last year. This year, I hope to get through 150. I hope you find some titles that inspire you to read! Audio Books 2020 1. Anne of Green Gables2. Anne of Avonlea3. Anne ...

Book Review–A Little Servant
photo by Ezra Morley This is a book review for the book, A Little Servant, by Grace Livingston Hill. It’s a very short,sweet story about a little girl named Esther who livedith her grandpa and grandma because her momand dad were ...

Book Review–Aunt Crete’s Emancipation
photo by Ezra Morley This is a book review for the book, Aunt Crete’s Emancipation, by Grace Livingston Hill. It’s abouta sweet older lady named Lucretia, nicknamed Crete. She lived as the unpaid and unappreciatedservant of her sister and niece who ...

In Memory of Grandpa Blowers
Jed’s special 13th birthday celebration To My Daddy One year ago, you slipped away to Jesus – in your sleep.And left us all in this world’s fray Vigil for our souls to keep. Days and time on heaven’s wing Don’t hold the ...

Book Review– George Mueller: The Guardian of Bristol’s Orphans
This is the book review for the book George Mueller: The Guardian of Bristol’s Orphans by JanetBenge. George Mueller was a very naughty young boy. He was constantly stealing and conniving andtrying to never get caught. Up until his college ...

O Come Little Children (Hymn)
O come, little children, O come one and all,To Bethlehem haste, to the manger so small,God’s son for a gift has been sent you this nightTo be your redeemer, your joy and delight. He’s born in a stable for you and ...

Philippians 1:3-11
3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am ...

Lifeline Gifts
I started Lifeline Gifts about a year ago to help needy children of all ages around the world. I have a chronic illness that leaves me unable to perform normal daily tasks. I’m mostly confined to my bed or recliner, ...

A Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter (Book Review)
Picture by Ezra Morley. This is a book review for the book, A Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter, written by Alice Turner Curtis.The story is about a little ten year old girl named Sylvia who was from Boston but lived in ...

God Will Make a Way (Sermon Review)
This a sermon review for the sermon God Will Make a Way by Mr. David Gibbs Jr. I listened to thismessage, and it really touched my heart. It was very needed at this time in my life. One of the ...

My Hope Is Jesus (Hymn)
My hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus’ blood and righteousness.On Christ the solid rock I stand;All other ground is sinking sand. My hope is Jesus–the anchor of my soul,The Ruler of this universe, the One Who’s in control.He saved me, ...

Continued Prayers for Our Country
Picture by Ezra Morley. Please continue to pray for our Country. We need the grace of God to shine down and make this a landslide election according to His Will. Pray for President Trump and the VIce-President. This has to be ...

Election Day
Picture by Pearl Morley Tomorrow is it important day in our country. We need to humble ourselves and pray and go out and vote. Continue to pray for our country. We so desperately need God.

More Prayer for Governors
Picture by Ezra. Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands Albert Bryan Democratic Governor of Utah Gary Herbert Republican Governor of Vermont Phil Scott Republican Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam Democratic Governor of Washington Jay Inslee Democratic Governor of West Virginia Jim Justice Republican Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers Democratic Governor of Wyoming Mark Gordon Republican

More Prayer for Governors
Picture by Ezra Morley Governor of Oklahoma Kevin Stitt Republican Governor of Oregon Kate Brown Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf Democratic Governor of Puerto Rico Wanda Vázquez Garced New Progressive Governor of Rhode Island Gina Raimondo Democratic Governor of South Carolina Henry McMaster Republican Governor of South Dakota Kristi L. Noem Republican Governor of Tennessee Bill Lee Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott Republican Governor of the ...

Prayer for the Mercy Ships
“2M+ Lives Impacted Through surgical care, medical training, and infrastructure development, we impact millions.” “100,000+ Surgical Procedures” “42,000+ Professionals Trained By training local professionals in vital medical procedures, we create a lasting legacy of healing.” “1,300+ Annual Volunteers Our dedicated volunteers are selfless ...

Prayer for Envita Medical Center
Picture by Pearl Morley. Pray for the staff at Envita. They are some of the most compassionate and loving people. The nurses are fantastic. Always cheerful and smiling. Pray that they can have courage and patience. They work so hard. Pray for ...

More Prayer for Governors
Governor of Nevada Steve Sisolak Democratic Governor of New Hampshire Chris Sununu Republican Governor of New Jersey Phil Murphy Democratic Governor of New Mexico Michelle Lujan Grisham Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo Democratic Governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper Democratic Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum Republican Governor of Ohio Richard Michael DeWine Republican Photos taken by James Staddon. To learn more ...

More Prayer for 40 Days for Life
Picture by Ezra Morley. Abortion is illegal in the Dominican Republic and Honduras so please pray that it will stay that way. There is great Western pressure to accept abortion. Please pray for the protection of the vigil participants as sometimes they ...

Prayer for Amy Coney Barrett
Picture by Ezra Morley. Tomorrow is the big day. The day that the Senate will vote on the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. Let us lift up in prayer each one who is voting. That they will have wisdom and courage ...

Prayer for Samaritans Purse
Photo by Ezra Morley Join Franklin Graham in prayer and fasting on October 25th for our country. Samaritan’s purse opened at 28 bed emergency field hospital in the Bahamas on October 19th to help the hospital which is very overwhelmed with patients. The ...

Prayer for Joe Biden
Image credit: Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Pray for Mr. Joe Biden, who is running for President this year.

More Prayer for Governors
Picture by Ezra Morley. Governor of Mississippi Tate Reeves Republican Governor of Missouri Mike Parson Republican Governor of Montana Steve Bullock Democratic Governor of Nebraska Pete Ricketts Republican Governor of Nevada Steve Sisolak Democratic

Prayer for 40 Days for Life
Picture by Ezra Morley Pray for protection at the vigil sites. Several places have had to hire guards because of aggressive abortion supporters and Antifa agitators. Pray for the abortion doctors that they will come to grips and step away from performing ...

Book Review–The Penny Whistle
Picture by Ezra Morley This is the book review of the book, The Penny Whistle, by B. J. Hoff. It’s about a teacher namedJonathan Stewart, and Maggie and Summer, two little girls who brought back hope to a little miningtown. Mr. ...

Prayer for Christian Aid Ministry
Picture by Ezra Morley Pray for the people in Western Ukraine who suffered from a flood this summer. “Floodwaters damaged at least 5,000 homes, as well as many people’s gardens, which are an important source of food for Ukrainians.” Pray for the ...

Prayer for Amazima Ministries
Pray for the Amazima staff as they each touch lives in Jesus Name. Pray for Wisdom and Protection. Pray for al the students at the school. Pray for Uganda for salvation and restoration. Pray for Katie Davis Majors and her family ...

Jesus Shall Reign (Hymn)
1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sundoes its successive journeys run,his kingdom stretch from shore to shore,till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2. To him shall endless prayer be made,and praises throng to crown his head.His name like sweet ...

Psalm 130
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!2 O Lord, hear my voice!Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! 3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?4 But with you there is forgiveness, that ...

More Prayer for Governors
Governor of Maine Janet T. Mills Democratic Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan Republican Governor of Massachusetts Charles D. Baker Republican Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer Democratic Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz Democratic

Prayer for Samaritans Purse
Pray for Volunteer Teams Helping the Hurting as Louisiana Starts Long Recovery after Hurricanes Laura and Delta. They desperately need volunteers. Pray as Samaritan’s Purse Deployed Emergency Field Hospital to the Bahamas on the 15th of October in response to ...

More Prayer for Governors
Picture by Ezra Morley Governor of Indiana Eric Holcomb Republican Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds Republican Governor of Kansas Laura Kelly Democratic Governor of Kentucky Andy Beshear Democratic Governor of Louisiana John Bel Edwards Democratic

More Prayer for 40 Days For Life Vigil
Image by Pexels from Pixabay Halfway through the campaign, reports of babies saved at 40 Days for Life vigils are up 28% from recent years! Pray that that trend will continue. By Day 20 …212 babies saved from abortion through your prayers! ...

Book Review –In His Steps
This is a book review for the book, In His Steps, by Charles M. Sheldon. The book is about aminister and his congregation who were startled one day by a stranger who appeared and asked thequestion, “What would Jesus do?” ...

Prayer for More Representatives
Mark Walker Representative for North Carolina Troy Balderson Representative for Ohio Kelly Armstrong Republican North Dakota Dusty Johnson Republican South Dakota Picture by Ezra Morley

Prayer for More Planned Parenthood Leaders
Jethro O. Miller is Chief Development Officer Melanie Roussell Newman is the Senior Vice President of Communications and Culture Kelley Robinson currently serves as the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund and as the Vice President of Advocacy and Organizing at ...

Drinking at the Spring of Living Water (Hymn)
I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame,And nothing satisfying there I found;But to the blessed cross of Christ on day I came,Where springs of living water did abound. Drinking at the springs of living water,Happy now am I, ...

Prayers for More Senators
Richard Burr Senior Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis Junior Senator for North Carolina Sherrod Brown Senior Senator for Ohio Robert “Rob” Portman Junior Senator for Ohio John Hoeven Republican North Dakota Kevin Cramer Republican North Dakota John Thune Republican South Dakota Mike Rounds Republican South Dakota

Psalm 127
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.2 It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest,eating the bread of anxious toil; for ...

More Prayer for Governors
Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp Republican Governor of Guam Lou Leon Guerrero Democratic Governor of Hawaii David Ige Democratic Governor of Idaho Brad Little Republican Governor of Illinois J.B. Pritzker Democratic Picture by Ezra Morley

Prayer for 40 Days For Life Vigil
“107 abortion facilities have closed forever following a 40 Days for Life campaign.” “But 40 Days for Life vigils often lead abortion centers to shut down temporarily or to reduce business hours as the vigil deters customers.” So please pray that ...

Guest Post– Experience with 2020 Verse/word of the Year
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.Hebrews 11:10 This is the verse I chose for 2020. It reflects my word of the year: perspective. Ifyou’re anything like me, you find yourself often tied ...

Prayer for More Representatives
Picture by Ezra Morley Alex Mooney Representative for West Virginia’s 2nd congressional district Jack Bergman Representative for Michigan’s 1st congressional district Denver Riggleman Representative for Virginia’s 5th congressional district

Prayer for More Senators
Babcock State Park, Danese, West Virginia, USA Debbie Stabenow Senior Senator for Michigan Gary Peters Junior Senator for Michigan Joe Manchin III Senior Senator for West Virginia Shelley Capito Junior Senator for West Virginia Mark Warner Senior Senator for Virginia Timothy “Tim” Kaine Junior Senator for ...

I Asked The Lord To Comfort Me (Hymn)
I asked the Lord to comfort meWhen things weren’t going my way;And He said to me, “I will comfort youAnd I’ll lift your cares away.”I asked the Lord to walk with me, when darkness was all that I knew;And He ...

Prayer for President Trump
Pray for the health of President Trump and First Lady Melania. Since testing positive for co-vid they say he has been admitted to the hospital. Pray for the protection of the president and vice-president and their wives during these trying ...

Psalm 121
1I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber;4 indeed, He who watches ...

Prayer for More Planned Parent Hood Leaders
Dr. Sara C. Flowers Vice President Melvin Galloway is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Dannette (Danni) Hill the Chief HR Officer Monica Kerrigan is the incoming Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Global. Jay Meisel is Interim General Counsel for PPFA and ...

Prayer for More Governors
Governor of California Gavin Newsom Democratic Governor of Colorado Jared Polis Democratic Governor of Connecticut Ned Lamont Democratic Governor of Delaware John C. Carney Jr. Democratic Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis Republican Photos taken by James Staddon. To learn more about him and his photography please visit www.lenspiration.com.

October 1st, 2020 (3 year update)
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 weeks since I got home from Arizona. (Post coming soon of that journey.) But more importantly I can’t believe it has been 3 years today that this journey came to be increasingly ...

Prayer for State Representatives
Thanks to Ezra for the picture. Blaine Luetkemeyer Representative for Missouri’s 3rd congressional district Glenn Thompson Representative for Pennsylvania’s 15th congressional district Doug Lamborn Representative for Colorado’s 5th congressional district

Prayers for Senators
MO Senators Roy Blunt and Joshua Hawley PA Senators Robert Casey and Patrick Toomey CO Senators Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner Photos taken by James Staddon. To learn more about him and his photography please visit www.lenspiration.com.

Book Review– The Brown’s At Mt. Hermon
Today’s book review is going to be about the book ‘The Browns at Mount Hermon’, by IsabellaAlden/Pansy. This story is about a young heiress girl named Mary Brown who, while visiting a littlecottage that she owned, received a letter addressed ...

Prayer for Planned Parenthood Leaders
Photo by Ezra Morley Alexis McGill Johnson is the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Jacqueline Ayers is PPFA’s Vice President of Government Relations & Public Policy. Vickie Barrow-Klein served as the Chief Financial Officer Jenn Brown is the Senior Vice ...

Prayer for Governors
Governor of Alabama Kay Ivey Republican Governor of Alaska Mike Dunleavy Republican Governor of American Samoa Lolo Matalasi Moliga Nonpartisan Governor of Arizona Doug Ducey Republican Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson Republican Please pray for these governors today. Blessings.

All The Way My Savior Leads Me (Hymn)
All the way my Savior leads me,What have I to ask beside?Can I doubt His tender mercy,Who through life has been my Guide?Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,Here by faith in Him to dwell!For I know, whate’er befall me,Jesus doeth all things ...

2020 National Prayer March
Here are specific ways you can pray for our nation, our families and all those in leadership at every level. ( https://prayermarch2020.com/prayer-points/ ) Humbling ourselves in repentance and asking God to forgive our sins and heal our land. Our military, police and ...

Psalm 3
O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me;2 many are saying of my soul, “There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah 3 But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.4 I cried ...

Prayer March with Franklin Graham
Tomorrow will be the Prayer march in Washington. Learn more here….https://prayermarch2020.com/ We need to surround these people with prayer. It is a dangerous world out there. Please join me in prayer for our nation. Photo taken by James Staddon. To ...

40 Day Prayer Challenge For Our Nation and Pro-Life
I just wanted to let you all know about my 40 day prayer challenge and to invite you to come along. There will be a short post everyday on my blog to help inspire and remind you to pray. I ...

Savior, More than Life to Me (Hymn)
Savior, more than life to me,I am clinging, clinging, close to Thee;Let Thy precious blood applied,Keep me ever, ever near Thy side. Refrain:Every day, every hour,Let me feel Thy cleansing pow’r;May Thy tender love to meBind me closer, closer, Lord to ...

Psalm 1
The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked 1 Blessed is the man of the Lord, and ...

I Know What It Is Like (Poem)
I know what it’s like to experience symptoms, to be tired for apparently no reason, to not know why I’m not healthy and strong like most people. I know what it’s like. I know what it’s like testing for this thing and ...

Encouragement From My Heart to Yours #11
Hope isn’t just a wish. It isn’t just a dream. There is nothing uncertain about hope rooted in Jesus Christ based on the promises found in His word. Hope placed in Christ will not waver and will not fail, no ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #10
1 The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble; He sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake. 2 Great is the LORD in Zion; He is exalted over all the nations. 3 Let them praise Your great and awesome ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #9
Psalm 46 God Is Our Fortress 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,3 though its waters roar and foam, though ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #8
Photo by Ezra Morley 1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.2. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3. For He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #7
“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” I don’t know about tomorrowI just live from day to dayI don’t borrow from the sunshineFor the skies they turn to grey. And I don’t worry for the futureFor I know what Jesus saidAnd today I’ll walk ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #6
These quotes really spoke to my heart today. I’ve been feeling discouraged and needed reminded of the strength of my God. I hope and pray that these can be an encouragement in your day as well. ~Thanks to technology and my ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #5
The Cup Here are some excerpts from a sermon I heard recently. It was deeply touching and encouraging to me so I thought I would share it in case it could encourage someone else. I must admit I have not done ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #4
The first 30 audiobooks in 2020 that I have listened to. I would love to reach a goal of 100. We’ll have to see. I struggle with reading right now so this is how I get books read. I listen ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #3
This song was running through my mind this morning. I hope it can be an encouragement and blessing to you today. I am His, He is mine; Jesus knows my name.I can rest in His arms; He’s always the same.When ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #2
The King of Love The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His, And He is mine forever. Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul He leadeth, And, where ...

Encouragement and Inspiration from My Heart to Yours #1
I have been really wanting to get back to blogging. But typing is still very difficult for me, so I am trying to find a way to still put some content out. I have been really wanting to help encourage ...

Looking forward into 2020– Reflections of 2019
I wanted to write a blog post with reflections of the past year things and looking forward into the new year. Right here at the beginning, I want to thank God for His mercy and goodness. Without Him to see me ...

In Loving Memory of Grandpa Blowers
Our dear Grandpa went to be with Jesus this week five short months after dear Grandma passed away. And today is his funeral two days before Christmas. Our hearts are heavy but we are rejoicing that he is safe in ...

Thanksgiving Reflections
As my mind reflects on this Thanksgiving and the past 2 years, I wanted to write down some of the blessings that I’m grateful for. I have been feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s grace and mercy to me. I ...
Remembering Our Veterans!
This post is dedicated to the soldiers and veterans of the United States of America. My own grandpa Morley is a 4 year veteran. Take time today to thank them for their service to our country and to the people ...

Hymn Reflection #23–Count Your Blessings
1 When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Refrain: Count your blessings, ...

Encouraging Quotes #4
Hope you enjoy these quotes with me. Let them sink into your heart and some will give you a laugh.

Guest Post– Bethany Griggs
Hi! My name is Bethany Griggs. I’m a friend of Amaris and I live in Texas. While we have known each other for 7 years now, we never got to know each other very well until last year because ...

Hymn Reflection #23–God Leads His Dear Children Along
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet,God leads His dear children along;Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet,God leads His dear children along. Refrain:Some through the waters, some through the flood,Some through the fire, but ...

Hymn Reflection #22– How Great Thou Art
Verse 1: O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Chorus: Then sings my soul, my ...

Encouraging Quotes #3
I hope these quotes and Bible verses can encourage you today and also give you a couple smiles. I always need quotes like this so I hope they can bless you as well.

Hymn Reflection #21–O Teach Me What it Meaneth
1. O teach me what it meaneth, That cross uplifted high, With One, the Man of Sorrows, Condemned to bleed and die! O teach me what it cost Thee To make a sinner whole; And teach me, Savior, teach me ...

Hymn Reflection #20 –Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,Just to take Him at His Word;Just to rest upon His promise,And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!” Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! ...

Hymn Reflection #19– Lead Kindly Light
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom,Lead Thou me on;The night is dark, and I am far from home,Lead Thou me on;Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to seeThe distant scene; one step enough for me. I was not ...

Encouraging Quotes #2
Such a true quote. I have found that true in my own life with God’s help.

Hymn Reflection #18- Come Unto Me
Words: Matthew 11:28-30 Music: Larry Nickel Come unto me if you’re weak and laden. I’ll give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Such a ...

Hymn Reflection #17– He Leadeth Me
1. He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught! Whate’er I do, where’er I be, Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me. Refrain: He leadeth me, he leadeth me; By his own hand he leadeth me: His ...

Hymn Reflection #16–The Secret Place
I found a secret place of comfort and release A special place of healing, a quiet place of peace And everyone who dwells there finds rests beneath God’s wings In the shade of His pavilion, in the strength He always ...

Hymn Reflection #15– Oh, to Be Like Thee
Oh! to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer,This is my constant longing and prayer;Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures,Jesus, Thy perfect likeness to wear. Refrain:Oh! to be like Thee, oh! to be like Thee,Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art;Come in Thy ...

Hymn Reflection #14–We Have Seen His Glory
(1) We have seen His glory, The Prince of Peace has come; He left His heavenly throne above And made this world His home. (2) We have seen the glory, Of the Father’s only Son; Whose vict’ry rescues us ...

Hymn Reflection #13–I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
1. I know that my Redeemer liveth, And on the earth again shall stand; I know eternal life He giveth, That grace and power are in His hand. I know, I know that ...

Encouraging Quotes #1
I wanted to share some quotes that I have found very encouraging over the past few months. These tell my heart’s desire and I hope they can speak to your heart to today. May it touch some part of you ...

Hymn Reflection #12 –Under His Wings
1 Under His wings I am safely abiding. Tho’ the night deepens and tempests are wild, Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me. He has redeemed me, and I am His child. Refrain: Under His wings, ...

Hymn Reflection #11– You Are My Hiding Place
You are my hiding place You always fill my heart With songs of deliverance Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You I will trust in You Let the weak say I am strong In the strength of the ...

Honoring Our Fathers
Our father’s arrows in their quiver. I thought I would write a little post since it is Father’s Day. First of all, I thank God for being a Father to me. I don’t deserve His love and grace. But I ...

Book Review #1– Jungle Doctor on the Hop
Jungle Doctor on the Hop by Paul White There are 19 books in this series but I just got done with the second one. I really love these books. He conveys the messages of salvation in such a simple way. The ...

Hymn Reflection #10 Jesus Lover of My Soul
Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Savior, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; Oh, receive my soul at last. Other refuge ...

Hymn Reflection #9– Breathe On Me Breath of God
Breathe on me, Breath of God, Fill me with life anew, That I may love what Thou dost love, And do what Thou wouldst do. Breathe on me, Breath of God, Until my heart is pure, Until with Thee I will one will, To do and to ...

Hymn Reflection #8– Why?
Why? 1. Why did they nail him to Calvary´s tree; Why, tell me why was he there? Jesus the helper, the healer, the friend, Why, tell me why was he there? CHORUS: All my iniquities on him were laid; He nailed them all to the tree. Jesus, the ...

Hymn Reflection #7– Through It All
I’ve had many tears and sorrows I’ve had questions for tomorrow There’ve been times I didn’t know right from wrong But in every situation God gave blessed consolation That my trials only come to make me strong I’ve been a lot of places And I’ve seen so ...

Hymn Reflection #6– Day By Day
Day by day, and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure, Gives unto each day what He deems ...

Reflections on Trust and Strength
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2 He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no ...

Hymn Reflection #5– O Love, That will Not Let Me Go
O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee; I give thee back the life I owe, That in thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. 2. O Light that foll’west all my way, I yield my flick’ring ...

Hymn Reflection #4– You are My ALL in ALL
You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I’d be a fool You are MY ALL IN ALL! Taking my sin, my cross, ...

Hymn Reflection #3– Be Still My Soul
1. Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heavenly, Friend Through thorny ...

New Year Resolutions Or Goals (2019)
This time of year is very joyful. We celebrate our Lord’s first coming. But also the New Year is dawning upon us. And it causes many thoughts to run through minds. Serious, searching and probing thoughts. This is usually a ...

Special Christmas Verses and Thoughts
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. And He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Therefore the Lord Himself will ...

Hymn Reflection #2– O Holy Night
O Holy Night O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, ‘Til He appear’d and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world ...

Hymn Reflection #1– Down From His Glory
Down from His Glory Ever living story, My God and Savior came, And Jesus was His Name. Born in a manger, To His own a stranger, A Man of sorrows, tears and agony. Chorus O how I love Him! How I adore Him! My breath, my sunshine, my all ...

Reflections of Thanks
I praise and thank God for His gracious and bountiful mercy to me. I don’t deserve His love and mercy. I am still learning how to trust, honor and love Him. He has allowed this path I am treading right ...

More Reflections
First off…. God is good. He is so faithful. He knows us inside and out and I praise Him. I must admit that this last month has been hard but I still thank Him for seeing me through. I have ...

Reflections of the Past Year Oct.1, 2017-2018
I am wanting to put some pictures/ quotes here of different things that happened this year while telling learning experiences I have had through this difficult year because this day marks 1 year since the more severe symptoms started. Constant ...