1. O teach me what it meaneth,
That cross uplifted high,
With One, the Man of Sorrows,
Condemned to bleed and die!
O teach me what it cost Thee
To make a sinner whole;
And teach me, Savior, teach me
The value of a soul!

2. O teach me what it meaneth,
That sacred crimson tide,
The blood and water flowing
From Thine own wounded side.
Teach me that if none other
Had sinned, but I alone,
Yet still Thy blood, Lord Jesus,
Thine only, must atone.

3. O teach me what it meaneth,
Thy love beyond compare,
The love that reacheth deeper
Than depths of self-despair!
Yes, teach me, till there gloweth
In this cold heart of mine
Some feeble, pale reflection
Of that pure love of Thine.

O Teach me what it means to have a loving God that put aside all comfort and came to die in my place so that I could have eternal life. I deserved to suffer and die for the sins that I committed. But Jesus came to take that punishment for me. His blood flowed, He endured pain for me so that I could be saved. It cost Him so much. Please teach me the value of the soul so that I can do my best to help others discover the same wonderful salvation. The only one who could ever do this was Jesus. There is no other god, no other thing that could do this perfect work. Can you imagine what it took for God to send is only beloved Son to suffer and die for us? Let that thought help us give up all to follow Him.
God, thank you for your love that reached down through everything to touch me. And help that love to make this poor heart of mine just more like a reflection of Your love. Your pure, clean, wonderful and satisfying love.
O Lord Teach Me What ALL this Means!