I surpassed my goal of 100 books for last year. This year, I hope to get through 150. I hope you find some titles that inspire you to read!
Audio Books 2020
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Anne of Avonlea
3. Anne of the Island
4. Little Fishers and their Nets
5. Mag and Margaret
6. Pollyanna
7. Pollyanna Grows Up
8. Little Women
9. Little Men
10.Jo’s boys
11. Eight Cousins
12. Rose in Bloom
13. Old Fashioned Girl
14. Five Little Peppers
15. Jack and Jill
16. A Little Princess
17. Little Lord Fauntleroy
18. The Secret Garden
19. Heidi
20. Elsie Dinsmore
21.Holidays at Roselands
22.Elsie’s Girlhood
23. Elsie’s Womanhood
24. Elsie’s Motherhood
25. Elsie’s Children
26. Elsie’s Widowhood
27. Grandmother Elsie
28. Elsie’s New Relations
29. Elsie at Nantucket
30. Teddy’s Button
31. The Basket of Flowers
32. Swiss Family Robinson
33. Black Beauty
34. Tip Lewis and His Lamp
35. All-of-a-Kind Family
36. All of a Kind Family Downtown
37. More All-Of-A-Kind Family 38. All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown
39. Ella of All-of-a-Kind Family
40. The Brushstroke Legacy
41. Unplanned
42. Just David
43. Five Little Peppers Midway
44. Stepping Heavenward
45. One Common Place Day
46. Saved at Sea
47. An Untamed Heart
48. An Untamed Land
49. Thunder Dog
50. Kisses for Katie
51. Mistaken Identity
52. Come On Seabiscuit
53. Christy
54. A New Day Rising
55. Land to Call Home
56. The Reaper’s Song
57. Let’s Roll
58. A Peep Behind the Scenes
59. Paula the Waldensian
60. Silas Marner
61. Tender Mercies
62. Blessing in Disguise
63. Theodore Roosevelt: An American Original
64. The Story of My Life Helen Keller
65. Garland For Girls
66. Understood Betsy
67. Strawberry Girl
68. Under the Lilacs
69. Another Homecoming 70. Browns at Mt Hermon
71. The Bishop’s Shadow
72. The Atonement Child
73. Misty of Chincoteague
74. Sea star orphan of Chincoteague-
75. Henry Ford’s Own Story
76. Probable Sons
77. Tempest and Sunshine
78. Stormy Misty’s Foal
79. Misty’s Twilight
80. Daughter of Twin Oaks 81. The Penny Whistle
82. Tomorrow’s Dream
83. In His Steps
84. Cloudy Jewel
85. Roses for Mama
86. Aunt Crete’s Emancipation
87. A Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter
88. A Little Servant
89. Sisters of the Confederacy
90. Theo, The Big Brother
91. The Long Way Home 92. George Muller
93. Taming the Wind
94. Marcia Schuyler
95. The Enchanted Barn
96. Ruth of Boston
97. Ten Weeks with a Circus
98. Richard of Jamestown: A Story of the Virginia Colony
99. Daddy Long Legs
100. A Little Maid of Province Town
101. Dana’s Valley
102.A Dream to Follow
103.Davy Crockett Ever Westward
104. In the Field of Grace
105. The Tale of Pony TinkleWinks
106. Wonder Book of Bible Stories
107. The Christmas Angel
108. Promise of Dawn
109. A Breath of Hope
110. A Christmas Carol
post prepared by Crystal Lucas
I enjoyed reading the list of the books you got through! It was interesting.