This is Pearl here, and I’m going to be telling you about the camping trip we took to Colorado in August!
We have long wanted to make a trip to Colorado to visit Aunt Anna’s (Lucas) family, and when we lived in Pennsylvania the long trip out there seemed insurmountable. Now that we live in Missouri, the trip is only 12 hours versus the nearly 24 hours it would take from Pennsylvania, and is definitely more doable! So the idea came up for a camping trip in the Colorado mountains with the Lucas children and we decided to make a go of it! Samuel and David were able to work around their mowing schedule, and even Jed was able to take off a few days to bring his family out to join the fun!

The Lucases wanted to take us up several Fourteeners ( a mountain peak with an elevation of at least 14,000 feet (4267 meters) while we were in Colorado. So our first Fourteener of the day was Mt. Lincoln. We were hoping to go on our four wheelers as far as we could go and then hike up to the top.

Since we weren’t able to hike up Mt. Lincoln we decided to go up another mountain that was right near by — Mt. Bross, which was 14,177 ft. high. This time, Jed and Rosalie and family decided to get on a four-wheeler and we were able to drive all the way to the top. There were three guys at the top that had hiked up and they kindly took some pictures of our group for us. We took pictures for them in exchange! ๐

When we got to the top of Mt. Bross we could really start feeling the effects of the altitude. It was very easy to get out of breath after very little exertion!
Jed and Rosalie headed back down the mountain to where our vehicles were parked, and the rest of us headed on another route to get Mt. Lincoln. We went on our fourwheelers as far as we could, and then hiked the rest of the way!

We found a nice camping spot that evening that was nestled back in the trees. Samuel took this shot of our spot with his drone.

Stay tuned for Day 2!