Just a quick blog post to let you all know I hope to get back to blogging soon. I had a set back in my health and for the past 4 weeks have been doing IV treatments. I have no energy back yet and am pretty weak. And all the other symptoms are about the same. I am happy to say that I do have times in the day that I am not so tired which is an improvement for me. So your continued prayers are much appreciated. I haven’t been home in 4 weeks now. We are staying with friends nearer the doctor’s office.

I really really am missing blogging. I will probably get back into it very slowly so only one a week for now. Everything that has been posted in the past month and a half was all scheduled ahead. I am not going to set a day that I will post. Just whenever I feel up to typing. A few recipes will be still coming out from the already scheduled posts. Otherwise you can hope to see something from me once a week. Christmas programs are coming up fast and although I don’t know how much I will be involved in those it is a busy time so you probably won’t see much more than 1 post a week for a while. Also I will most likely be still taking treatments for another 2-3 weeks.

I just thought I would let you all know what’s going on and I am sorry that posts have been scarce. But now you know the reason…. I haven’t dropped off the earth. ๐ God Bless and I hope to see you before too terribly long.