Hope isn’t just a wish. It isn’t just a dream. There is nothing uncertain about hope rooted in Jesus Christ based on the promises found in His word. Hope placed in Christ will not waver and will not fail, no matter what the world throws at it. It is what keeps our faith alive, regardless of worldly outcome. It is a counter-cultural assurance that God will deliver His best, in His time, and in His way.
But sometimes hope has to be fought for – not in our strength, but in choosing to depend upon One who is Himself our ultimate Hope, who will never let us down. What He can do is limitless, but even if He doesn’t, He is still good. The One who was, is, and is to come, will always be more than enough. We can find rest in that knowledge today, and purpose in knowing that He delights in those who put their hope in His unfailing love…
When we realize God is ultimately in control and our lives are in His trustworthy hands, we can stop pushing our agenda. Instead of having a selfish, self-centered to-do list, we release our wants, dreams, and desires for something far greater… HIS! Life isn’t about accomplishments but rather relationships: our relationship with Christ and our relationship with others.
Big thanks to Rose for typing this for me.
Photo Credit Ezra Morley